Ancient teachings. Modern times.

Welcome to Tantric Life!

So glad you made it here. Here’s a little about us: we are a couple on the tantric path dedicated to bringing the ancient wisdom of non-dual Tantra into the 21st century in a modern & relatable way. We’ve been deeply touched by the essence of the Tantric Teachings which is what inspired us to start sharing these gems of wisdom with the world.

Our attitude towards Life and Spirituality is deeply rooted in the commitment to live with an open heart & our mission here at Tantric Life is to inspire you to harmoniously integrate daily life into spirituality; taking your practice off the mat & into the real world.

An invitation to live a fully embodied existence: living every moment as our spiritual practice and a sacred celebration of Life.

“Love says I am everything. Wisdom says I am nothing. Between the two my life flows.”

– Nisargadate


“Enter the welcoming vastness of the heart. Give yourself to it with total abandon. Quiet ecstasy is there… & a steady, regal sense of resting in love.”

– Lorin Roche

The Pillars of living a Tantric Life

* Inspired by Ken Wilber & Dustin DiPerna

Wake Up

Meditation & self inquiry practices to remember our true nature & wake up to the Essence of the Spiritual Heart.

Clean Up

Shadow work & healing practices to remove the obstacles to living with an open heart and become whole beings (integrating our light & dark aspects) in a harmonious way.

Grow Up

Self development practices to allow us to  mature, take wider perspectives, and release more care in the world. 

Show Up

Finally, all of this, is used in service of the whole. When we wake up, clean up, & grow up, we become vessels for the beauty of the divine to shine through us and bless the world around us. 

Teachings for the Awakening of the Heart

Our Offerings


Our Inspirations

Special Gratitude To:


Ken Wilber & the Integral Community for developing a holistic framwork for spiritual practice in the 21st century.

Dustin DiPerna for creating the wake up, grow up, clean up, show up model of spiritual practice.

Hridaya Yoga for sharing the profound meditation teachings for the revelation of the Spiritual Heart.

Monika Nataraj for her devotion to keeping the ancient tantric feminine practices alive through ritual, dance, & embodied meditations.

Also, special thanks to:

Andrew Cohen, Craig Hamilton, Diane Hamilton, Jack Kornfield, Terri Patten, Tara Brach, Lorin Roche, Doshin Roshi, Justine Baruch, Marshal Rosenberg, & Alan Watts for their profound spiritual teachings.